Welcome to Silverwings Air Virtual!

Silverwings is back in the sky!

Frank Van S - Thu, Aug 8, 2024 2:14 PM

Goodday pilots,

Today we announce the relaunch of our beloved virtual airline called 'Silverwings'. 

The airline is based in Amsterdam Schiphol and will fly to many destinations around the world. We offer our crew the freedom to fly scheduled and charter flights from our base Amsterdam Schiphol or join our wet lease operations team and fly for our partners on ad-hoc basis. 

Our website is fully operational, although the layout is still work in progress. Next week our first aircraft will be painted with a fresh livery. We are excited for this new adventure and hope you will be as well! 

Best regards,

Frank van Soldt
Head of operations (COO)
Silverwings Virtual Airlines

Departures / Arrivals

{ pirep.airline.icao }{ pirep.flight_number }

{ pirep.dpt_airport.name } ({ pirep.dpt_airport.icao }) to { pirep.arr_airport.name } ({ pirep.arr_airport.icao })

Ground Speed: { pirep.position.gs }
Altitude: { pirep.position.altitude }
Heading: { pirep.position.heading }

Status: { pirep.status_text }
Flight Time: { pirep.flight_time | time_hm }
Distance: { pirep.position.distance.nmi } / { pirep.planned_distance.nmi }

There are no flights.
Flights Departure Arrival Aircraft Altitude GS Distance Status
{ pirep.ident } { pirep.dpt_airport.icao } { pirep.arr_airport.icao } { pirep.aircraft.registration } { pirep.position.altitude } { pirep.position.gs } { pirep.position.distance.nmi | fallback 0 } / { pirep.planned_distance.nmi | fallback 0 } { pirep.status_text }

Latest pilot reports

SL1725 EHAM  -  EDDF PH-SWN (A319)
SL4081 EGNJ  -  EHAM PH-SWK (E175)
SL4080 EHAM  -  EGNJ PH-SWK (E175)
SL110 EGFF  -  EHRD PH-SWK (E175)
SL1245 EHAM  -  LFPG PH-SWN (A319)

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